Elevating GoMeddo with Einstein Prediction AI

GoMeddo is already a powerful scheduling application native to Salesforce, optimizing resource allocation, enhancing operational efficiency, and simplifying your conversion processes. Now, imagine taking these capabilities to the next level with Einstein Prediction AI for GoMeddo.

With Einstein predictions, we gain the ability to foresee the future status of any event within GoMeddo. In simpler terms, Einstein's predictions help us foresee different situations in GoMeddo, such as the likelihood of a no-show for an appointment or other critical situations. This predictive insight is valuable as it enables us to proactively initiate automated processes that transform predictions into actionable tasks. For instance, if there's a significant probability of a no-show, we can automatically trigger phone calls to ensure we handle our tasks efficiently and provide the best service possible.

For the system to predict outcomes it requires historical data within the system before the predicted scores become reliable enough to act upon.

The Quick Start: Einstein Prediction Builder uses a standard dataset to also predict no-shows. Which can be found here: 

You can access this valuable resource here.

Beyond forecasting reservation statuses, we can extend our predictive capabilities to other critical aspects. For instance, we can predict whether GoMeddo invoices will be paid on time or forecast whether a class/course is going to be fully booked or not. 

Einstein Predictions Builder
Creating records

Einstein Prediction AI for GoMeddo is all about enhancing your decision-making, optimizing your processes, and ensuring every aspect of your operations runs smoothly.


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